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Featured Courses

AMP Agent Productivity

Owning your value

Grow Your Business & Your Sphere of Influence


In this course, you'll uncover the foundations of building a business and the secrets of the best in the industry. Explore the tools, tactics, and strategies designed to help you achieve your goals; from developing your Value Proposition, to Time Blocking for Prospecting and Marketing. Discover fresh ideas to interact and grow your business through today's most effective lead generation methods. 

The OWNING YOUR VALUE workshop is designed to guide agents through the process of inventorying the features that make them unique, conveying the benefit to the buyer or seller, and demonstrating proof of success. 

Join in on the conversation of what it takes to grow your business. Take part in the Virtual LIVE Lead Generaton classroom! 

BootcAMP is a results driven agent productivity program designed to launch new to business real estate careers using the Coldwell Banker products, tools, and systems. 

Online Course

The CE Shop

Continue to grow your education with online resources from The CE shop. The CE Shop provides innovative courses written by industry experts that are designed with your success in mind, no matter if you're new to the industry or a seasoned veteran.





Discount Code: CB30

Online Resources

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